Yong Quan: A Historical Journey Through Design

Ching-I Wu's Award-Winning Public Park Design Revives an Old Sugar Factory

Yong Quan, a public park design by Ching-I Wu, offers a unique journey through time, tracing the history of an old sugar factory. This innovative design, which won the Golden A' City Planning and Urban Design Award in 2020, merges history, nature, and architecture in a captivating way.

The inspiration for Yong Quan came from the desire to reorganize the history of the sugar factory and develop a space that aligns with the factory's evolution. The design allows visitors to get closer to nature with a lake observation deck extended from Fuxing Road Bridge to the central lake. The riverside pathway leads to the main building of the sugar factory, where a wide square can accommodate a large crowd.

What sets Yong Quan apart is its ability to transport visitors through time. Walking on the shore trail, visitors can feel the historical atmosphere and see traces of the previous sugar factory railway. The circular trail surrounding the lake resembles a ring on the lake, narrating the history of the sugar factory. The design not only showcases the charm of vitality but also presents a complete history.

The realization of this design involved creating an attractive landscape for both animals and people. The irregular riverside slopes and the elevated wood deck connected to the island on the central lake form the perfect platform for ecological education. The shore trail reveals the traces of the historical sugar factory railway, and the lake surrounded by the circular trail offers a comprehensive view of the entire sugar factory.

The design covers a property of 22,672 square meters and integrates elements of landscape, public park, history, factory, and nature. The design team, led by Ching-I Wu and including Fu Chu Hsu, Wen Tai Hsieh, and Chia Hua Lin, worked on this project, which was completed on the 16th.

Yong Quan is not just a design; it is an interactive experience. The lake, constructed with a drainage system with springs and gravel layers, signifies urban hydrological and ecological sustainability. The underground tunnel systems support the growth of aquatic plants and a permanent pond, establishing an education of urban hydrology, the ecological island, and a habitat for water birds.

The design faced several challenges, including the regeneration of industrial culture and the continuation of sugar industry and railway culture. However, through creative solutions and innovative design, Ching-I Wu and his team managed to overcome these challenges, resulting in a design that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also rich in history and culture.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Hsu Fu Chu
Image Credits: Ching-I Wu
Project Team Members: Director: Ching-I Wu Designer: Fu Chu Hsu, Wen Tai Hsieh, Chia Hua Lin
Project Name: Yong Quan
Project Client: Hsu Fu Chu

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